refugee shelter
Designing for Social Change
Project Type: Public Structure
Location: Adaptable
While thinking of the concept I tried to keep in mind what would be most important for the refugees, which would be the sense of permanency in a temporary situation. I also thought it was important to create a system that would be flexible for use, and to create a sense of community.

The System has a bed and a storage space. The bed can also be converted into a chair. To enforce permanency, I tried to pay attention to privacy, not only for the inhabitants, but also their goods. When fully operational, the module starts behaving like a house with an incorporated roof. It was designed in such a way that a number of permutation in terms of arrangement are possible, to accommodate individuals to a large family. It is created in such a way, that it is easily built with two people under an hour without using and electrical hardware. I achieved this using 2 Panels and a slotting system.
unhcr refugee shelter
Contents of the flat pack system
Construction of the model.
The System has a bed and a storage space. The bed can also be converted into a chair. To enforce permanency, I tried to pay attention to privacy, not only for the inhabitants, but also their goods. When fully operational, the module starts behaving like a house with an incorporated roof. It was designed in such a way that a number of permutation in terms of arrangement are possible, to accommodate individuals to a large family.
it is essential for the refugees to feel a sense of community. The system has been created with this at its core.
Community based model.
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